
Acapulco volverá a seducirte

THE MEXICAN ASSOCIATION OF URBANISTS, the NATIONAL ACADEMY OF ARCHITECTURE and its ACAPULCO CHAPTER, the MEXICAN ASSOCIATION OF URBAN ARCHITECTS and THE COLLEGE OF URBANISTS OF MEXICO, with the collaboration of national, professional, and social associations and groups, present the following:


After the announcement of the Call, the present bases are exposed. The conveners will promote collaboration with various institutions and will promote interaction with the community and governments at different levels.

Acapulco is an iconic city for tourism at the national and international level. In modern history, this port has been a reference for the national tourist offer and before the events of last year, it represented the area with the largest offer of rooms in the Country. Another attraction of the Port is that, unlike other offers in Mexico, it allows to have rooms for all socioeconomic levels throughout the year.

The phenomena resulting from climate change will be present in our country on a recurring basis, so the processes for territorial planning must be updated including the models of integral risk management.



National or foreign individuals, from different disciplines, individually or in teams, with a titular representative.

NOTE: Directors of the convening associations or people who have a direct employment relationship with them or with the members of the Evaluation Committee or the Jury cannot participate.


2.1 Procurement of ecological balance.

2.2 Urban structure.

2.3 Mobility systems.

2.4 Water conduction and treatment systems.

2.5 Housing.

2.6 Vegetation and urban landscape.

2.7 Urban equipment and infrastructure.

2.8 Public space and recreation.

2.9 Urban economy.

2.10 Urban legislation and regulation and constructions.

2.11 Construction systems.

2.12 System for prevention and attention of urban emergencies.

2.13 Waste management.

2.14 Resilient Urbanism.

2.15 Involvement and giving voice to people.

NOTE: For genres 2.14 and 2.15 the following guidelines are suggested to consider:

  • Reduce disparities in health, access to essential services and opportunities.
  • Preserve and promote social connection with a systems approach to community redevelopment that recognizes the connection between social, cultural, economic, and physical environments.
  • Seek holistic solutions to socioeconomic disparities and their perverse effects on population health through place-based interventions.
  • Rebuild housing to achieve resilience and sustainability.
  • Leverage existing planning networks to strengthen recovery planning, including attention to social, medical, and public health services, especially for vulnerable populations.


Announcement Publication: December 15, 2023

Publication of the bases: January 12, 2024

Registration period: January 12 to February 15

Request for clarifications via email: Until February 15, 18:00 hrs.

Responses and clarifications via email and published on the contest site: February 29

Deadline for receipt of proposals to the contest email: March 27, 18:00 hrs.


Selection of Proposals by the Evaluation Committee: April 1 to 12

Deadline for receipt of "Envelopes" via specialized courier, with Anonymous Registration format of participants: April 12

 Jury Sessions: April 15 to 26

Presentation of Results: April 30, 2024


All participants who submit proposals and comply with the rules will receive recognition for their participation.

Likewise, the conveners will extend recognition to the finalists and winners, and efforts will be made to identify implementation opportunities including social dissemination.

The proposals selected by the Jury will be published on the portals of the conveners, collaborating and sponsoring organizations, and an exhibition will be organized in two sites in Acapulco and Mexico City, to be defined jointly with public presentations and discussion tables.

At the discussion tables, the proposals will be socialized with professional associations, guilds, and organized groups of inhabitants.

The conveners will promote collaboration with various institutions and will promote interaction with the community and governments at different levels.



The Evaluation Committee will be made up of recognized specialists in different subjects and professional, technical, and social disciplines, who, in adherence to the guidelines and basic premises, will select 50 proposals as finalists, which will be subsequently turned over to the Jury, which will select 15 winning ideas. Once the Jury's selection work is completed, the identity of the teams will be revealed, both those who are finalists and those who are distinguished as winners.

The Evaluation Committee, together with the Technical Secretariat, will carry out a categorization review of the proposals based on their theme, disciplines, integrality, and other relevant aspects.

5.2 JURY

The Jury is made up of 9 people of recognized prestige, with an independent, plural, and interdisciplinary character, who will personally issue their judgment with an unappealable character and will meet with a minimum quorum of 7 members and in case of a tie there will be a second round, and if the tie persists, the President will have a quality vote.

PRESIDENT. DR. XAVIER CORTÉS ROCHA, AE-ANA. Doctor of Architecture, Urbanist, Researcher, Faculty of Architecture UNAM. Emeritus Academic National Academy of Architecture. Specialist in restoration and conservation of sites and monuments. Number Member of the Academy of Arts. Number Member Mexican Association of Urbanists. Founder of the International Committee MEX-USA-CANADA for the professional practice of Architecture. National Architecture Award 2022.

VICE PRESIDENT. ARQ, HUMBERTO DÍAZ DÍAZ, A-ANA. Architect and Urbanist. Coordinator of the Citizen Technical Committee of Acapulco. Former President of the College of Architects of Guerrero. Founding former president of the Citizen Municipal Council of the Municipality of Acapulco.

SECRETARY. DR. MANUEL IGNACIO RUZ VARGAS, A-ANA. Architect and master’s in social sciences and Doctor in Regional Development at the Autonomous University of Guerrero, belongs to the National System of Researchers of the CONAHCYT, DOCOMOMO Mexico, Mexican ICOMOS, National Academy of Architecture, Acapulco Chapter, Mexican Society of Geography and Statistics, College of Architects of Guerrero and presides over the Council of the History of Acapulco.


DR. MA. ELENA DE LA LLATA LÓPEZ. Graduate in Tourism and research teacher in education, environment and sustainability programs, Doctor in Environmental Sciences, master’s in administration at the American University of Acapulco. Volunteer environmental promoter and founder of the Educational Headquarters of Environmental Culture

ENG. SALMA JALIFE VILLALÓN. Computer Engineer UNAM and Master of Science University of Colorado. She created the Mexico Digital Center for digital transformation, report on gender digital gap in access, affordability, use and digital skills. EX Undersecretary of Communications and Transport. Advisor on the use of disruptive technologies and network.

LIC. LORENZO LAZO MARGÁIN. Bachelors in economics ITAM with postgraduate degrees from the University of Colorado and the University of Southern California. He worked in the international area of the Bank of Mexico. He has been Director of international affairs of FONAPAS, Advisor at the Embassy of Mexico in London, Head of the office of the Government Program of the State of Veracruz. Advisor to the Board of Trustees of the National Museum of San Carlos and is an international analyst on Channel 11.

DRA. GEMMA SANTANA. Official at the National Institute of Entrepreneurship and was also the Director of the 2030 Agenda in the Presidency of the Republic 2019 - 2021. Consultant in sustainability and social businesses, and Impact investor in the startup Wemerang. Environmental activist with “Elijo por el Clima” AC. Recognized as one of the 30 most sustainable minds by Forbes Mexico.

DRA. SARA TOPELSON FRYDMAN, AE-ANA. Architect. National Architecture Award 2021, Former Undersecretary of SEDATU, Doctor Honoris Causa Universidad Anahuac México, Former President “Union Internationale des Architectes”. Doctor Honoris Causa by the Universidad Anáhuac México.

DRA. ALICIA ZICARDI. Doctor of Economics from UNAM. Researcher at the Institute of Social Research of UNAM. Professor of the Postgraduate Programs of Political and Social Sciences and Urbanism of the same University. She is an Emeritus Researcher of the National System of Researchers and of the Mexican Academy of Sciences


All interested parties must register on the contest portal at the site prior to payment of the recovery fee of $1,000.00 (One thousand pesos 00/100 MN), which must be deposited in the CLABE account Banco Inbursa: 036180500573035611 in the name of Asociación Mexicana de Urbanistas A.C. sending proof in the section indicated on the same site.

Participants residing in the State of Guerrero are exempt from this fee, which will be accredited with a copy of the INE credential of the participants accredited in the registry.

Registered participants may submit a single proposal with the payment of a recovery fee, in case they present other ideas, each one must have the corresponding economic contribution.


For the delivery of the proposal, the "Participant Anonymity Registration Format" proposed (download here) must be complied with, indicating the title of the proposal and, where appropriate, subtitle and genre, as well as the anonymity key with a seven-digit number and a letter.

Anonymity will be maintained during the analysis of the Evaluation Committee, as well as during the deliberations of the Jury.

This "Participant Anonymity Registration Format" must be delivered in a sealed envelope in an inviolable manner and must be accompanied by a copy of the Official Registration Certificate.

The Envelope should be addressed to:

  • SENDER: before the specialized courier, do not use the same name as the official registration holder.
  • ADDRESS: División del Norte, No. 24 Int. 6, Col. Del Valle Norte, C.P. 03103, Alcaldía Benito Juárez, Mexico City, Mexico.

The envelope must be sent by specialized courier (DHL, FedEx, Estafeta or similar) setting as the deadline April 12, 2024 at 16:00 hrs Mexico City time.

The sending of the envelope containing the identity of the contestant is the exclusive responsibility of the contestant. THE SENDING IS THE ABSOLUTE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTESTANT and must be received, at the latest, on the date of the last day of Jury sessions.


Those interested who submit the complete documentation will be officially notified via email through the account Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo.


 The proposed ideas and/or projects can address different genres, according to the list indicated in numeral 2, as well as proposed interventions in different geographical points or at different scales if everything is part of the same project or idea. If you want to participate in two or more different projects, the respective process of registration, delivery, and selection must be carried out for each of the deliverables.

Each of the listed deliverables must have the following individual specifications:

  1. Descriptive Memory. Text in PDF file letter size (21.59 x 27.94 cm with minimum margins of 2 cm), in an extension not greater than 1,500 (one thousand five hundred) words, which includes the Title of the Proposal, Anonymity Key, description, and justification of the proposal.

The name of the file will be the same key selected by the participant (the anonymity key will be made up of a seven-digit number and a letter, regardless of the order) at the time of registration. The typography to be used will only be Arial, black color, 12 points, in titles, themes, subthemes, and texts in general.

  1. Presentation Sheets. Each idea proposal can be delivered in two separate sheets of 120 cm wide x 90 cm high (horizontal reading format) in which the proposal and the sheets are shown, as they are the fundamental component to communicate and visualize the proposals effectively. This digital file must have a resolution of 300 dpi and be in png extension. According to the following diagram:

ConcursoAcapulcoAMU lamina

The sheets may include plants, perspectives, axonometric, elevations, diagrams, drawings, texts, photos, or the graphic resources that the participant decides for the best expression of their proposal. Both the scale and representation technique are free to define by the participants.

The typography will be free choice according to the design intentions of each participant, if it is legible and of an adequate size for its visualization.

  1. Introduction. Brief introduction that explains the context and importance of the proposal or idea. Description of the challenge or problem being addressed.
  2. Problem to be solved. Define the problem they address in a concise and clear way. Include supporting data.
  3. Zone. Define the specific zone and/or area of influence of intervention of the proposal in Acapulco, Coyuca de Benítez and/or San Marcos. There is no minimum scale, and the maximum scale is defined by the total surface area of each of the municipalities.
  4. Description of the idea. Detail the key aspects of the proposal, including its objective, approach, innovative solutions, design elements, materials, and technologies used.
  5. Sustainability and Resilience. Highlight any aspect related to sustainability and resilience in the proposal. Explain how the proposal addresses issues such as energy efficiency, environmental, water management, infrastructure, sustainable mobility, adaptation to climate change, consideration of natural phenomena such as earthquakes and hurricanes, etc.
  6. Benefits and Impact. Describe the benefits that the project would bring to the community and to Acapulco in general, include aspects such as improvement of quality of life, revitalization of the area, promotion of citizen participation, etc.
  7. Implementation Plan. If applicable, provide a summary of how to carry out the implementation or instrumentation, including institutions, deadlines, and estimated necessary resources.
  8. Impact and follow-up. Propose indicators to measure the impact of the proposal once implemented and a basic scheme to carry out the follow-up to ensure that the objectives of the proposal are achieved.
  9. References and Data Sources. If data, research, or inspiration from external sources are used, indicate the appropriate credits and references.
  10. Graphic Visualizations. Visualizations that help understand the proposal. This can include plans, drawings, renders, diagrams, maps, photographs, etc.
  11. Physical Context. Show how the idea integrates into the urban environment. This can include images or plans of the place where the idea would be implemented.



Brief introduction that explains the context and importance of the proposal or idea. Description of the challenge or problem being addressed. Define the problem they address in a concise and clear way. Include supporting data. Define the specific zone and/or area of influence of intervention of the proposal. Text in PDF file, with graphic supports if applicable, that includes the title description and justification of the proposal, and in a maximum of 20 pages in letter size (21.54 x 27.94 cm with minimum margins of 2 cm) that includes the title description and justification of the proposal. Typography in titles, themes, subthemes, and texts in general only Arial black color, minimum 12 points.


The proposals will be delivered in digital format via email to the address: Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo. with the following data:

  1. In Subject: Acapulco Ideas Contest and followed by the Anonymity Key.
  2. In the Body of the Email: The deliverables mentioned above will be sent in the following order:
    • Descriptive memory delivered in PDF format.
    • Sheets in PNG format, 120 cm x 90 cm at a resolution not less than 300 dpi.
    • Copy of the official registration certificate.
    • Format with the names of each team member as registered.
    • The name of all files will be the same key selected by the participant. Example:
      • SHEET 1_7654321A.png
      • pdf

Note: The files should not exceed 10 MB at the time of sending. No compressed files or folders will be accepted in any format. (.rar, .zip, .gzip or any other file extension that has not been requested in the present bases will be received).

Any delivery that does not adhere to the guidelines and bases stipulated so far will be cause for automatic disqualification.


 The proposals that comply with the requirements established by the Institute of Moral Copyright will be duly protected under the terms of current legislation for registered authors, and they authorize the conveners to disseminate without restrictions, only giving credit to them.

The Copyright patrimonial rights, if applicable, may be negotiated with potential promoters or developers, from the public, private or social sectors, based on professional fee rulings applicable by a technical committee integrated by the conveners in the field of architecture, planning, graphic design and/or similar services.

For the winning proposals, after the jury's decision, the deliverables will be requested in different format and resolutions for printing in an exhibition, and a wide dissemination in digital media.


Once the results are obtained by the Jury, an open session will proceed to open the envelopes with the identity of the winning contestants.

The password to reveal the identity, up to a maximum of 15, all with the same level declared as winners and in the same way for the proposals, up to 50 that have been selected by the Evaluation Committee for the first stage and they will be awarded a recognition as finalists.

Finally, the conveners with the support of directly or indirectly related institutions will promote the 15 best ideas decided by the jury to be presented for their implementation and development before public, private and social organizations, national, state, local, and foreign in their case, in accordance with current legislation, and with a wide dissemination at the national level in media, press, radio, television, websites and social networks.

Mexico City, January 12, 2024